Technology and changes in the workplace

Less than a year since Samsung’s Note 3 and Apple’s iPhone 5 were released, we now have the Note 4 and the iPhone 6. Technology is rapidly changing; so is almost everything around us. In this post, we share some readings about changes in the work environment, their impact, and what possibly lies ahead.

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Staff Picks: Essential MS Word Tools and Features

So you’ve been using F7 and Find and Replace. Now, it’s time you discover other Microsoft Word tools and features that could make you a more productive copy editor.

Although we’ve heard about books entirely written by computers, we still believe that writing and editing are tasks that cannot fully be done automatically. But that doesn’t mean writers and editors should do the entire content development process manually. In the same way that doctors have medical equipment and carpenters have toolboxes, there are a lot of tools available now to help writers and editors streamline the process. And most of these tools are already available in your favorite word processing software.

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Writers’ Panic | LRB blog


So is there a geek out there to make a new app for very slow people like me that actually prevents you from writing (forcing on you kittens, Twitter, solitaire, online shopping, hypnotic daydream brain-altering beats, lunch, sex, the Mail online) until you absolutely have to? Not starting isn’t the end. At least, not necessarily.

via Writers’ Panic « LRB blog.

Man versus Machine: The Ultimate Editing Challenge | Intelligent Editing

Can machines beat humans when it comes to editing? It’s Pat Winfield, leading professional editor and owner of Bookworm Editorial Services, against Intelligent Editing’s PerfectIt, a Word add-in that goes beyond the usual grammar and spell check. Click on the link to see the results. (Of course, we’re cheering for Pat!)

By beating Gary Kasparov in 1997, Deep Blue proved that a computer could beat the best in the world at chess. But what about editing documents?

For years, the idea of computer-aided editing was little more than a joke. However, in the age of voice recognition and machine translation, have computer checkers reached the point where they can defeat professional editors at what they do best? One editor agreed to take the challenge.

via Man versus Machine: The Ultimate Editing Challenge | Intelligent Editing.